Thursday, October 22, 2009

My favorite classical musicians - Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin – (Piano Poet)

My favorite classical musicians - Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin – (Piano Poet)

Around thousand classical musicians that I discovery. The most classical musicians I admire and my favorite is Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin . Normally he called Piano Poet pianist because he is more into First time I listen to his classical music pieces is from the original soundtrack of korean drama “ Spring Waltz ” . In his world of music which can always be as graceful lyrical feeling. Before I started to introduce the favorite pieces of Chopin , I apologize to all the Chopin music lover if there are any errors . Because the views of evaluation of the songs is all my own opinion . Now , Let me bringing you all into the Chopin music world .


First at all , let me introduce a little bit about Chopin history . Frederic Chopin was born in Poland. Poland remains proud of Chopin as a Polish-born citizen, even though this “second Mozart” left Poland at age 20 to pursue his career in Western Europe. Chopin’s likeness can be seen on the faces of statues in Poland and has been featured on banknotes. His name was even given to one of Poland’s best potato vodkas. And while Chopin’s body is buried in Paris, his heart is encased in a pillar in the Holy Cross Church in Warsaw.

In Paris, Chopin made a comfortable living as a composer and piano teacher, while giving few public performances. Though an ardent Polish patriot, in France he used the French versions of his names and eventually, to avoid having to rely on Imperial Russian documents, became a French citizen. After some ill-fated romantic involvements with Polish women, from 1837 to 1847 he had a turbulent relationship with the French authoress George Sand. Always in frail health, he died in Paris in 1849, aged thirty-nine, of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Chopin’s love affair with George Sand is one of the most interesting aspects of his short life. The French Romantic writer met Chopin in the late 1830s. The couple traveled in the warmer climates of Europe in order to keep Chopin out of the northern winters, which were extremely hard on his delicate health. Earlier in this same decade, Chopin was plagued with ill health – so much so that one engagement was made and called off. Chopin was a victim of tuberculosis, which eventually claimed his life, and no doubt put strain on his relationship with George Sand.

II-My Favorite and popular pieces of Chopin .

Chopin collection is more to ballad and romantic genre, It is easily to touch and close to my heart ,I almost like all the pieces of Chopin , here I want to share some of the best collection of Chopin and describe the impression to each pieces . The following is my favorite pieces of Chopin collection and is related link of youtube .

1. Chopin Nocturne In c Sharp minor -

2. Chopin Nocturne In E Flat Major .Op 9-2 –

3. Chopin Etude In E Flat Minor Op 10-6 –

4. Chopin Etude In E Major , Op 10-3 –

5. Chopin Prelude In D flat Major , Op 28-15 –

6. Chopin Prelude In E Minor , Op 28-4 –

7. Chopin Piano Concerto N0 1 .Op 11 E Minor 2nd Mov -

III-The Impressions and Introduction of my Favorite Pieces of Chopin

Chopin Nocturne In c Sharp Minor

The meaning of Nocturne is night of the music . Is Pronounce Nocturn in English , whereby the Nocturne is French .The song is bringing a little wonder in the beginning and Ring out of the quiet night in the treble part . Seems unable to escape out of depressed mood in the alone night . However, in the latter part of the song, a song they used a method of turning dreams expressed like the elegant melody . Is a nice pieces that we can enjoy in the night , It lead you to go to the realm of silence .

Chopin Nocturne In E Flat Major , Op 9-2

Another favorite Nocturne Pieces of Chopin . This pieces is more elegance, suitable play in the high level of hotel or Restaurant . Again , this is a famous pieces song that we can heard at some Drama as a background music .People feeling to a kind of comfortable after listening to this pieces . The latter part of the song, repeated melody, as in the inner trace of the unhappy vent views . Overall , This is definitely a nice song

Chopin Etude In E Flat Minor , Op 10-6

The meaning of Etude is the song of practices . Chopin has totally 27 pieces of Etude .Mostly this kind of pieces is practices by Chopin to improve the melody , harmony and the emotion of performance .Also this kind of pieces is less tide rise and fall , but it always repeatedly displayed in the immersion of the dream seen sorrow tone . However, in the first half of the songs, micro revealed the strong intensity of emotional excitement of the piano .

Chopin Etude In E Major , Op 10-3

Another favorite Etude pieces of Chopin collection . However that not a etude pieces to me at all , because this Etude pieces is full of extensions of the emotion . Is a ballad melody in the beginning , just like a human emotion , the melody is slowly into climax , especially in the treble part , Repeated melody, as well as playing and highlights to enhance the intensity of emotion to express that the complex emotions brought to the top .After that, Melody repeated a prelude to the music, like a calm after the storm is particularly the feeling .

Chopin Prelude In D Flat Major , Op 28-15

The meaning of Prelude is the first part of the song . Tottally Chopin has 24 pieces of prelude pieces . however it show different Character, form and nature of the song . Normally is repeat the melody in the small range but preached a sense of low-key elegance , also consistent extension of emotion to enhance the intensity of playing paino . However, expression of the song is more the mentality of mediocrity .

Chopin prelude In E Minor ,Op 28-4

Another favorite prelude pieces of Chopin collection . This pieces is more strongly emotion than other pieces . The songs start showing a heavy atmosphere of gloomy . As in telling some lingering thoughts . After that , songs playing low-key return to calm down after the mood . This pieces is perfectly suitable play in the drama the express the feeling of the actor and actress .

Chopin Piano Concerto No1 , Op E Minor 2nd mov

Piano Concerto is less play by Chopin if compare with other pieces . But the most pieces I like and prefer to listen is Piano Concerto . Actually this pieces is listen it from drama “ Stairway to heaven “ .This pieces is called “ portrait of love “ , is the emotion expression to his lover of the charm and grace . This pieces is more romantic and fantasy . Songs from the beginning to the climax still remains to express the feelings of a gentle and graceful . People listening to a kind of comfortable feeling especially at night time . Notes a telling one, like a man in a romantic language . By the way , the range of this pieces is quite considerable . To the latter part of the song, repeated melodic piano like two people in a relatively the same descending slightly romantic tone in the end .

As my conclusion , I am so happy to complete this blog and feel proud to introduce Chopin music to everyone , I strongly recommended Chopin Piano Concerto No 1 , Op E Minor 2nd Movement to everyone , that is definitely a nice and famous pieces of Chopin collection .I do really admire and proud to Mr Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin who can play the classical music very well . However, is also a pity, because his life is so short . Luckilly that is a pressure can appreciate and listen to his collection , It really calm my mind . Finally , Hope that everyone is enjoy to see my blog and lets the classical music heal your soul and guide your flight .

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